Saturday, November 20, 2010

Health & Wealth?

“The first wealth is health.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have come to realize, in the past year, how true this statement is. Just under a year ago, I was overweight and sick. My health was beginning to fail at the age of 27. Almost daily I was in severe pain in my lower abdominal area and had to leave work early on a few occasions because I could not teach through the pain. This was not how I wanted to live my life. If I couldn't pull myself together while I was still young, things would only go downhill. I had to do something. Yes, I grew up in a health-conscious home but there are some aspects of that former life that I just couldn't make work anymore. Working all day then coming home to do more work, take care of a husband and house can really eat up every hour in the day. We have a tendency to put our own health on the back-burner for the cause of our own success and our wealth.

I didn't realize how much I was hurting myself by doing that. At a doctor's appointment in January, I was told that the possible cause of all my pain and suffering was a bladder condition that actually had no known cause at all - and no known cure for that matter. It was receommended that I start a cycle of drugs that would cost me $300 a month. The best part? They didn't even know if that treatment would work. It could be over a year before it could take effect, and in the meantime I could lose my hair and suffer severe depression. I think NOT!

It was the neglect of my health that got me into this mess so an obsessive approach to getting it back might get me out of it. Then Ray introduced me to Isagenix.

Ray is a coworker of mine. He had no idea of the physical struggles I was having. The information he shared with me was like manna from heaven. It was just what I needed to take control of my life and my health again. Ray and his wife, Joline, were my God-sends, my angels, sent to look after me, train me and guide me on my journey. I will forever be in their debt.

A month later, I was on track to finding myself again. Using the Isagenix systems and products, I have been able to lose (and keep off) 18 lbs since February. I have been able to eliminate the pain of this bladder condition and have not had to use any medication for it in months. I have gotten my life back. I have my health back and my health is no longer sapping the other areas of my life. I have my dreams back. I have my first wealth - my health.

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