Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New HBO Series - The Weight of the Nation: Part 1

Recently HBO came out with a 4-part series entitled "The Weight of the Nation." It delves into the obesity epidemic that has taken over America and the world. It saddens me to see the effect of this "epidemic" on our children. They repeatedly state the we are raising a generation that will likely not outlive their parents due to the health issues created by poor nutrition and obesity.

I would like to share each of the episodes on my blog and invite your feedback. It is time we do something about this trend.

The Weight of the Nation 
Part 1: Consequences

Some interesting facts I picked up from this film:

Ideal cardiovascular health is defined by 7 factors & health behaviors. Less than 1% of the population meets these 7 criteria.
  1. Optimal cholesterol levels
  2. Normal blood pressure
  3. Not having diabetes
  4. Lean body mass index
  5. Not being a smoker
  6. Physical activity
  7. Healthy diet
13% of children who die in autopsy studies have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

1 comment:

  1. I am saddened when I see an 12 or 13 year old child with a blood pressure of 155/86. This is preventable!
